Welcome to the Muscle Up Program! We’re excited to have you on this journey to achieving your first muscle up or improving your max volume. This program is designed to build your strength, mobility, and skill in a structured and progressive way. Here’s how you can get the most out of it.
Navigating the App
Finding the Program: You can easily access the Muscle Up Program in the app. Just look for the 'Programs' tab along the bottom menu bar.
Where to Start: Begin your journey in the 'Workouts' section of the Muscle Up Program. Start with the Pre Program Testing. This step is crucial as it allows you to enter your current numbers for key movements or perform a set of tests to establish a baseline. This helps in tracking your progression accurately.

Scheduling and Logging Workouts
Scheduling a Workout: When you find a workout you want to do, you can either choose to 'Log Workout' to start it immediately or 'Copy Workout to Calendar' to schedule it for a later date. Scheduled workouts will appear on your home screen on the selected day, which you can access via the Home button at the bottom left of the app menu.
Logging a Movement: In the 'Log Workout' section, you’ll find instructions and videos for each movement. For more information, click the '!' icon in the top right corner. To log your score, simply click the box with the appropriate metric (time, weight, reps).

Progressing Through the Levels
The Muscle Up Program is structured in levels, allowing you to progress at your own pace. This method ensures you develop the necessary strength, mobility, and skill without the pressure of unrealistic goals.
Pass Level 1 before moving on to Level 2, then proceed through Levels 3, 4, and finally 5.
DON'T SKIP LEVELS: You might fly through Level 1 and be tempted to skip straight ahead to Level 3 or 4. However, it's crucial to work through each level in order. This approach not only builds the required strength but also ingrains the necessary skill practice and muscle memory. By following this structure, you'll be better prepared to execute your first muscle up with proper movement patterns.
- If you excel in one area (e.g., Pull and Core) but struggle in another (e.g., Push), it highlights a weakness to focus on. Repeat the relevant level and use additional training sessions from the 'Bonus' section to address this (scroll down beyond the workouts to find the extra bonus sessions).
Tracking Progress and Using Alternatives
Logging Scores: Remember to log all your scores after each workout. This helps in reviewing your progress and identifying areas for improvement. Recording your sessions also provides a visual record of your journey.
Using the 'Alternate' Button: The program offers alternative options for certain movements. This feature is helpful for:
- Switching from bar to rings if your goal is a ring muscle up.
- Substituting equipment (e.g., swapping dumbbells for a barbell).
- Changing skill movements to focus on different areas (e.g., swapping a box jump muscle up for a banded muscle up).

Staying Accountable
Accountability is key to success. Share your goals with a friend or online community, or even better, get a workout buddy to join you. Schedule specific days for your sessions and stick to them. Consistency is crucial for mastering the muscle up, and having someone to hold you accountable can make a significant difference.
By following these guidelines and utilising the features within the app, you'll be well on your way to achieving your muscle up goals. Stay consistent, push your limits, and don't forget to enjoy the journey. Good luck!