Want To Level Up Your Your Toes 2 Bar and Handstand Push-ups?

Take these two skill movements to the next level with just 2 sessions per week. Designed for anyone looking to get their FIRST T2B/HSPU or IMPROVE their current volume of reps in workouts.


What if we told you we could help you increase your Toes 2 Bar and Handstand Push-up capacity?

This program is designed to help you increase your T2B and HSPU volume in just 2 short sessions per week!




You Can Master These Skill Movements

Learn the formula to unlocking these movements in every workout:

  • Start at your current level and watch your numbers increase.
  • Build up strength in the key areas. Push, Pull and Core.
  • Regular Skill Practice based around current ability.
  • Fun conditioning workouts available to practice at current skill level.
  • Unlock or Improve your current numbers.

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

Focused around your own starting point, you’ll learn how to finally unlock and master these skill movements, building on your existing volume.





In A Short Period Of Time, You Could…

  • Unlock Toes 2 Bar
  • Unlock Handstand Push-ups
  • Build Your Current Volume

The right strength and skill work can make all the difference. We’ll cover it all in our '8 week' program.



Team ICON's T2B & HSPU Program


You Are Ready To Get Started?

This program will help you join that ever elusive group of people who don't dread these two movements. You’ll learn how to:

  • Build and maintain strength in key areas.
  • Learn and build confidence in the T2B and HSPU movement patterns.
  • Unlock your T2B & HSPU potential.

With a simple and fun structure, approximately 30 minutes per session, twice per week (1 for each movement) you could finally unlock these two movements and hit bigger sets in every workout!


What's Included In The Program...

Built Around Your Current Volume

Progress At Your Pace

No crazy claims, instead:

  • Work from your own percentages: You complete a max volume test on day 1 to work from each week.
  • Progression based on your own starting point in both movements.
  • Skill difficulties increase as the weeks go on, keeping you improving throughout.

You’ll finish this program after 8 weeks where you will complete a re-test in both movements so you can see the progression made!


Movement Videos

Movement Videos Available

Not sure what a movement is just from the name, don't worry we have a short video showing each movement programmed:

  • All movements shown.
  • Linked to private YouTube videos.
  • Unsure if you are doing it right, simply send us a short clip and we will let you know.

Never worry about how to do a movement again, we are here to help.



Every Session Explained

Some sessions are designed to be done with minimal rest, others, it's all about quality not speed. We guide you throughout:

  • Each session has the workout written out in an easy to follow structure with movements linked to videos.
  • Plus extra FAQ videos to answer common questions on each program.

Our goal is to make this process as easy as possible with new content added over time when questions arise.



Optional Community To Keep Accountability

For many, having someone keeping you accountable can make all the difference. That's why we have:

  • Comments turned on for each session to share your progress and save your session notes (publicly).
  • Private community group available to share progress, ask questions and motivate each other (not on Facebook).
  • Challenges: Chances to enter different challenges and win exclusive prizes.

You will have the opportunity to get involved in our community area and help others on the same journey.

This Program Is For You If...

  • You want to get your FIRST Toes 2 Bar or Handstand Push-up.
  • You want to INCREASE the volume of your Toes 2 Bar or Handstand Push-ups.
  • You want a continue your current training with simple extra 'add on' sessions to unlock these movements at your pace.



We're Team ICON Training

Powered by ICON Nutrition a leading UK Nutrition brand in the Functional Fitness Space for over 10 years.

Team ICON Training is brought to you by Shaun (Centre) and Dan (Right) alongside other coaches from various fitness backgrounds to bring you the best approaches to each training program .